The 2020 Regional Conservation Partnership (RCP) Gathering Is Coming!
Even before the pandemic upended our lives, the RCP Network had landed on a theme of resilient regions and communities for our live event. With the onset of COVID-19 and ongoing discussions about systemic racism and inequality in our communities, the theme of resiliency is ever more relevant and will be central to our three webinars and our virtual RCP Network Gathering.
As with so much in our lives, the Gathering has evolved to meet a new reality. The Gathering is now:
– THREE 90-minute pre-Gathering Webinars: Oct. 28, Nov. 5, and Nov. 13 from 1:00-2:30 pm Eastern Time
– ONE-day RCP Network Gathering, including panel discussions, networking, and brainstorming on November 19 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
– ONE Conservation Finance Webinar in February – details to come
– ONE solutions-oriented implementation day for all Gathering participants on March 3, 2021
Learn more about the webinars here.
Registration for each event is required. Sign up here!
Our burning question for this year’s RCP Network Gathering is: How can RCPs and the RCP Network and others help measurably increase community well-being at scale? How do we as individuals, as members of communities and conservation organizations bounce back and continue to pursue our vision of a healthier planet amidst so much uncertainty and human suffering? How do we serve the diverse members of our communities given a history of injustice, racism, and inequity, especially as the evidence of climate change’s impacts are routinely front-page news?
Participate the way you want. All six sessions are designed to make it easy for you to help us all figure out how RCPs, the RCP Network, and other networks and partners can help measurably increase community well-being at scale.