Tending Change on the Michaux: Spring Forward

We are seldom ambivalent about change. We either dread it or can’t wait for it. Work urgently to stop it, or struggle to get it to happen. In our more rational moments, we acknowledge its inevitability. The world is in a constant state of flux, including us. Yet our effort to resist or direct change frequently hardwires us to a dualistic mindset towards the world, others, and ourselves. It’s either good, or it’s bad.
I read a great book over the winter; The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow. It weaves together a discursive conversation about the human archaeological record that predates written human history to ask: The most profound question is not how and why human civilization has changed over time; but how and why did we get ourselves so stuck?
If there’s one time a year when change is most likely to come tinged with a sense of hope and anticipation, it’s spring. And that’s good. Because it’s time to get busy; tending change and changing to tend.
But…you’ll probably have to read the book for that to make much sense!
Here are some ways you can join us in tending to the change this spring:
Trail Building on the Hearth Tender Trail
We are continuing to build a new sustainable trail system known as the Hearth Tender Trail , which will connect to the existing Pole Steeple Trail. Once completed, the trail will be an easy-to-moderate trail open to hikers and bikers. Throughout the year we will be having monthly workdays to build the trail. Join the Friends of Michaux State Forest and district staff for a workday on Saturday, April 22 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 followed by a lunch. For more information or to sign up contact Michaux State Forest at fd01@pa.gov.
Tree Planting at Big Pine Flat
The Big Pine Flat area of Michaux State Forest is a unique scrub oak ecosystem that the district is working to restore with the help of outside partners including South Mountain Partnership, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, and the National Wild Turkey Federation. Previous work in the area has included prescribed fire, fencing, and other management techniques. Michaux State Forest alongside the Friends of Michaux and their Wildlife Workgroup will be planting over 200 trees at the Big Pine Flat area April 12-14 from 9:30 AM –3:00 PM. For more information or to sign up contact Michaux State Forest at fd01@pa.gov.
Help Prevent Wildfires
March through May is wildfire season in Pennsylvania. This year the wildfire season started early, with a record number of fires in February. To reduce the risk of wildfires, campfires, and open burning are not allowed in Michaux State Forest from March 1st to May 25th.