We are excited to be offering this list of resources in the region, but we need your help to populate the list! Know of a resource in the South Mountain? Email Julia Chain at jchain@appalachiantrail.org

Online Resources

Technical Assistance Resources

Cumberland County Conservation District717) 240-7812
Adams County Conservation District(717) 334-0636
York County Conservation District(717) 840-7430
Franklin County Conservation District(717) 264-5499
Capital RC&D- Grazing Support(717) 241-4361Capital RC&D’s grazing support program promotes resources for new and experienced graziers in our region and throughout Pennsylvania, such as the farmer-to-farmer grazing advisement program; support for the Franklin and Lebanon County Grazing Networks and the PA Grazing Lands Coalition (PA-GLC).
Natural Resources Conservation Services Local Service Centers (USDA)Adams-(717) 549-4674
Cumberland-(717) 601-3712
Franklin-(717) 446-8502
York-(717) 894-3001
NRCS helps producers, soil and water conservation districts, and other partners protect and conserve natural resources on private lands throughout the United States.
WeConserve PA717-230-8560WeConservePA provides direct technical assistance via phone, email, and in-person meetings to:land trusts, local governments, trail groups, other conservation nonprofits
Master Watershed Steward ProgramNatalie Marioni, Master Watershed Steward Coordinator Cumberland and Franklin County and Clean Water Cumberland

Penn State Extension Master Watershed Stewards (MWSs) are trained, energized citizens in your communities who are available to help your municipality meet its regulatory obligations under the MS4 program.
DCNR: Managing Your WoodsMore than 70 percent of the woodlands in Pennsylvania are owned privately. This resource provides instruction, tools, and technical assistance to help landowners manage their land in ways that enhance wood production and recreation, protect water, and benefit wildlife.
TreeVitalize: Community Tree ManagementTreeVitalize is a public-private partnership established by DCNR to help build capacity within communities to plan for, plant, and care for trees, and to offer educational trainings to help citizens understand the diverse benefits of trees and the importance of properly planting and maintaining them.

Training and Certification Programs

Master Watershed Steward ProgramThis program provides extensive training in watershed management to volunteers who, in return, educate the community about watershed stewardship based on university research and recommendations.
Find EE Near MeAre you looking for an environmental education organization to partner with, lead a field trip, deliver an education program, or facilitate professional development? PA has over 475 environmental education providers! These organizations provide environmental education programs for families, schools, youth groups, adult groups, and professional development training workshops. You can use this online inventory to search for EE providers in your region or across the state.
PA Master NaturalistPennsylvania Master Naturalist is a statewide partnership initiative that aims to connect people with their local ecosystems through intensive natural science training and local conservation service work. It is a venture directed toward developing a local corps of “master volunteers and service providers”.
PA Master GardenerMaster Gardener volunteers support Penn State Extension’s educational programs in consumer horticulture. They develop their horticultural expertise through participation in educational training classes conducted by Penn State University faculty and Extension staff.

Comprehensive Plans

Comprehensive PlanAdams
Comprehensive PlanCumberland2017
Franklin County Forward- Comprehensive PlanFranklin2012 (2035 in progress)
Comprehensive PlanYork

Solar Resources